Friday, May 18, 2012

U Gotta Be Kiddin' Me!

So I'm listening to the radio this A.M., & I know some of you may be tired of hearing about this & to that I say... Oh well! Anyhoo, I hear on the news that they found traces of marijuana in Trayvon Martin's blood. Okaaaay...Is that what killed him??? Nooooo....A man with an anger-management problem & huge hang-ups on a certain race did! Why don't they test Zimmerman?? HE'S the one that took an innocent teenager's life! I don't know how you all's places of employment works, but if I was to get into a wreck & kill somebody on company time, they would test MY blood...& maybe the victim too, depending on the evidence at the scene, but they would definitely test MY blood as well! This is outrageous! For all we know, Trayvon could've smoked a doobie 2 days prior! That would show TRACES of marijuana in his blood! What does that have to do with the price of tea & a pack of Skittles in America?!? What was in Zimmerman's system? He was the one chasing folks down in the night AGAINST THE POLICE'S INSTRUCTIONS, calling them 'coons' & such! Sounds like he was the one high on something...besides his racial status' pedestal that is!

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